I have been encountering many problems on blogging lately, the font, the color the sizes of my wordings all gone hair wired. Seems it was due to some error on the html, and not able to rectified the problem. And I am having a long lists of postings waiting in line. Its really get frustrated at times. Since I am quite new in blogging, the ball of fire still burning in me, and eagerly would like to share my recipes with you who appreciate.

I came across this Bacon Wrap dish in one of the restaurant that we patroned.
Back to my kitchen and with my own imagination, my version of bacon wrap is born. The recipe is pretty simple and easy. That is the reason this recipe of jumping the queue to post on the blog! hehe...
Ingredients 材料
10 or more pieces of bacon 熏肉10片或以上
some asparagus (blanch in hot water, cut into strips slightly longer that the bacon) 芦笋 (放入沸水灼, 切成几段)
some baby corns (blanch in hot water) 少许玉米 (放入沸水灼)
1 packets of enoki mushroom金針菇 - cut off the roots and rinsed and dried 1包金针菇- 把根切掉,用水洗, 然后弄干)
1 carrot ( cut into long strips and blanched in hot water) 1条红萝卜(切成长形条状,放入沸水灼)
some kuchai (blanch in hot water) 少许韭菜 (放入沸水灼)
- Wrap the bacon with all the other ingredients except kuchai and fastened with tooth picks.
- Put some butter in the frying pan and pan fry the bacon till slightly crispy.
- Or you may deep fry the bacon wrap to make it more crispy.
- Take out the tooth picks and tie the bacon with kuchai
- Arrange bacon wrap on serving plate and pour over sauce of your choice.
- A delicious and elegant Fusion dish, bacon wrap is ready to be served
4。把牙签拔除。 用韭菜把熏肉包绑好。
Happy Cooking!