I stumbled upon this herbal treatment for high cholesterol on internet, but after I got the recipe, I did not bookmark the page, resulted I can't trace back the source. During confinement wood ears
is one of the main ingredients in confinements diets which said to be to clear bloods clots. Anyway sharing the drink with you here!
Pick a hand full of wood ear (mok yee 木耳) and soak in water for about 2 hours
Wash wood ear and cut into pieces.
Put 3 slices of ginger, 8-10 red dates 红枣 and 1 tbsp of wolf berries 枸杞 and the wood ears into a slow cooker.
Pour 4 bowls of hot water into the slow cooker and cook for about 8 hours.
You will get about 1 1/2 bowls of wood ear juice after boiling overnight.
Consumption: You may consume for 10 to 14 days according to the severity of the problem. for those with low blood pressure consume less or only for alternate days.
Drink the juice first thing in the morning wiht an 'empty stomach' . Consume at least one large bowl. Take breakfast 2 hours later.
Side effects - you may feel a little tired after 3-4 days. consume multivitamins and fresh fruits and vegetables daily. Do not eat oily or fried foods during this period.
Observation: Dark and oily stool during the first 2 days.
Remarks - Cholesterol medication is chemical in nature and may harm the liver. Wood ear is a plant and does not contain chemicals. Take blood test for blood cholesterol before and after treatment.
Friendly note: It may works on some people and may not for others. Take these as a guide, or you may prepare this drinks occasionally.
Kindly leave some feedback after you consume the juice and let me know the results! Hope this will help those with high cholesterol out there!
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