I seldom prepare this dish as it is a very tedious chores. The last time when this dish was served, my son was not around to enjoy it. This time my son came back to Kuala Lumpur on 25 March, just to watch the FI race in Sepang, which I got the tickets at the main stand from my friend Hitomi. TQ Hitomi! Please do make it a habit! hehehe... I specially prepare the dish again for him and the rest of the family to enjoy!
Anyway, when came back for the late dinner on Sunday , he said " Mom, the Marmite Spare Ribs is awesome ! Huh! That make me feel good and forget all the hardwork and time spend to prepare the dish in the kitchen! Cheers to me!
The Awesome Marmite Spare Ribs
I consider this is quite a time consuming dish to prepare, but the end result worth the effort! But again, there is no fix rule or steps in culinary, we can always plus and minus as we go along, the end result - TASTE is most important!
As for the recipe refer my previous post at Marmite Spare Ribs