This is a really yummy savory cookies. My family and friends just love it so much.
1 portion of the recipe can make about 1 tin of plastic container measuring 14.5cm height and 11.5cm diameter with extra few pieces.When I shopped for the ingredients in the bakery shop, and noticed that the smallest packet of cheese powder is 500gms whereas the the amount needed for the cookies is only 20gm. I don't have to make so many containers. I had some left over shredded cheese in the fridge which I can make use of that. Emmm....... The moral of the story is we don't have to follow the recipe 100%, we can do our own adjustment to suit us ; we can always substitute with other ingredients which are available in our own kitchen. I always reduce quite a lot on the amount of sugar in all recipes, this is why I prefer home-made rather to buy outside which are too sweet for my family.
This is one of the 3Rs - we should practice everyday - REDUCE, REUSE AND RECYCLE!
Sour cream potatoes chips, walnuts, butter and shredded cheese. This butter weigh 227 gms only
Sour Cream & Onion Potato Chips and chopped walnuts